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Hurricane Irene hit southeastern Florida on Friday night, causing damage and destruction everywhere.The hurricane caused severe flooding.Local officials called Irene the worst storm of the hurricane season for the area.Hundreds of people lost their homes or offices because of high winds and heavy rains.The winds knocked down trees and power lines, broke hotel windows, and damaged roofs.It will take the people of Florida a long time to recover from the effects of this hurricane.The high winds that blew up to 85 miles per hour were responsible for most of the damage to the area.The wind also was to blame for ten serious injuries and several car accidents.

Original text

Hurricane Irene hit southeastern Florida on Friday night, causing damage and destruction everywhere.The hurricane caused severe flooding.Local officials called Irene the worst storm of the hurricane season for the area.Hundreds of people lost their homes or offices because of high winds and heavy rains.The winds knocked down trees and power lines, broke hotel windows, and damaged roofs.It will take the people of Florida a long time to recover from the effects of this hurricane.The high winds that blew up to 85 miles per hour were responsible for most of the damage to the area.The wind also was to blame for ten serious injuries and several car accidents.

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