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Business ethics is about going beyond what is legal required by law is about doing what is morally right in an ethical business means operate in a way that is fair employees suppliers customers and the environment this approach can sometimes be counterintuitive for business is implementing ethical policies can sometimes come at the expense of profit what changes can a business me to be more ethical well first thing a business can do to be more ethical to treat their employees well and to provide an employee the safe place to work by paying them a fair wage this doesn’t mean just pain in the minimum wage was about paying them a fair wage the properly reimburses them for the work they do know allows them to live a comfortable life companies cover for the work they do not allow them to live a comfortable life companies can also provide other financial incentives that employees from the business performs well such as bonuses or share schemes phone please receive shares in the company they work for my own shares in the company employee directly benefits from share price increases and dividend payments when the business operate successfully own business that always tops of chartering play satisfaction is Google not only to Google pay their employees well the whole host of employee benefit to help create an excellent working environment from please some of the benefits include free food free medical and dental care gyms money towards student loan payments flexible working hours and excellent communal spaces

Original text

Business ethics is about going beyond what is legal required by law is about doing what is morally right in an ethical business means operate in a way that is fair employees suppliers customers and the environment this approach can sometimes be counterintuitive for business is implementing ethical policies can sometimes come at the expense of profit what changes can a business me to be more ethical well first thing a business can do to be more ethical to treat their employees well and to provide an employee the safe place to work by paying them a fair wage this doesn’t mean just pain in the minimum wage was about paying them a fair wage the properly reimburses them for the work they do know allows them to live a comfortable life companies cover for the work they do not allow them to live a comfortable life companies can also provide other financial incentives that employees from the business performs well such as bonuses or share schemes phone please receive shares in the company they work for my own shares in the company employee directly benefits from share price increases and dividend payments when the business operate successfully own business that always tops of chartering play satisfaction is Google not only to Google pay their employees well the whole host of employee benefit to help create an excellent working environment from please some of the benefits include free food free medical and dental care gyms money towards student loan payments flexible working hours and excellent communal spaces

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