
Online English Summarizer tool, free and accurate!

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At last year we have been studying online because of covid -19, so that causes students to search for a fast and easy way to get their work done.We will research deeper into this topic to make sure that Chat GPT is really helpful for students in their current studies.)Soorya, 2023(.(Rueda, 2023)

Original text

At last year we have been studying online because of covid -19, so that causes students to search for a fast and easy way to get their work done.We will research deeper into this topic to make sure that Chat GPT is really helpful for students in their current studies.
"Chat GPT is a natural language processing tool driven by AI technology, and it launched in November 2022. It has become a game changer in education, providing strong features for both teachers and students."(Alex, 2023(. Additionally, "Chat GPT provides support for language study, helping students in developing their language ability. Students can improve their language skills with real-time translations, grammar corrections, and pronunciation comments. The students studying in cultural backgrounds schools or those studying a second language will find this option especially helpful." )Soorya, 2023(.(Rueda, 2023)

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