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Pirelli's R&D focuses on environmental efficiency along the lifecycle of their tires, from innovative raw materials to improving rolling resistance without compromising performance.

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Pirelli’s R&D focuses on environmental efficiency along the lifecycle of their tires, from innovative raw materials to improving rolling resistance without compromising performance. Globally their “eco-safety performance” products represent about half their total turnover. Pirelli has made the commitment to become carbon-neutral by 2030 at global level. The company signed on to the Science-Based Targets initiative and plans to reduce absolute CO2 emissions 25% by 2025 compared with 2015. Pirelli’s electricity use will be 100% from renewable sources by 2025. By 2025, new products lines will be made with more than 40% renewable materials, and less than 40% fossil-based materials. their tires are made by workers extensively trained in workplace safety, thanks to a culture of health and safety at work with ambitious targets to lower the accident frequency index

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