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"Pollution refers to the contamination of the environment by harmful substances or pollutants. It poses a significant threat to our planet and our well-being. Pollution can be in the form of air pollution, water pollution, or soil pollution, and it can have detrimental effects on ecosystems, wildlife, and human health.

To reduce pollution, we can take several measures. One important step is to minimize the use of fossil fuels and promote renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. Additionally, practicing proper waste management, such as recycling and reducing single-use plastics, can help prevent pollution. It's crucial for individuals, communities, and governments to work together to raise awareness, implement stricter regulations, and support sustainable practices to combat pollution and protect our environment for future generations."

Original text

"Pollution refers to the contamination of the environment by harmful substances or pollutants. It poses a significant threat to our planet and our well-being. Pollution can be in the form of air pollution, water pollution, or soil pollution, and it can have detrimental effects on ecosystems, wildlife, and human health.

To reduce pollution, we can take several measures. One important step is to minimize the use of fossil fuels and promote renewable energy sources like solar and wind power. Additionally, practicing proper waste management, such as recycling and reducing single-use plastics, can help prevent pollution. It's crucial for individuals, communities, and governments to work together to raise awareness, implement stricter regulations, and support sustainable practices to combat pollution and protect our environment for future generations."

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