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1.As indicated in several research that "Internet technology growth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has enormous
prospective as it decreases the price of goods and amenities, and expand the geographical boundaries of market. Technology and the emergence of the Internet, not only allow persons to make purchases virtual, but also it
improve the economy and promote worldwide trade" Alden et al. (2006); Al-Somali et al. (2009); Alied F et al.
(2009).With increasing use of internet trend by consumer and their
purchasing power they are willing to shop virtually.With the rapid development of the new trend in e-shopping has shown positive
results in buying habits to the consumers.This is the reason that number of enterprises has developed
commercial sites and portals for e-shopping.Due to high need of shopping retailers wanted to improve the quality of the online shopping experience for

Original text

  1. Introduction
    In the past individuals used to buy their needed product or services from stores and traditional market. It was the
    only option to fulfill their needs. With the rapid development of the new trend in e-shopping has shown positive
    results in buying habits to the consumers. However, this seems to be able to access without the physical location
    is the most useful methods to buy goods and services. With increasing use of internet trend by consumer and their
    purchasing power they are willing to shop virtually. This is the reason that number of enterprises has developed
    commercial sites and portals for e-shopping.
    As indicated in several research that “Internet technology growth in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has enormous
    prospective as it decreases the price of goods and amenities, and expand the geographical boundaries of market.
    Technology and the emergence of the Internet, not only allow persons to make purchases virtual, but also it
    improve the economy and promote worldwide trade” Alden et al. (2006); Al-Somali et al. (2009); Alied F et al.
    Due to high need of shopping retailers wanted to improve the quality of the online shopping experience for
    customers. However, the level of confidence in making payments online is still not developing fully. In a euro
    monitor report in 2012 indicated that “with the expansion of the Internet, e-shopping is growing rapidly in the
    country, and is currently at 60% of the consumer using it, due to reason many online retailers trying to recover the
    excellence of the virtual marketing involvement for the shopper

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