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Liberalism (classic variety) dominated the nineteenth century, but critics
deplored the growing gulf between rich and poor.Workers of all countries, unite!" Marx participated in organizing Europe's first socialist parties. Marx's Capital was a gigantic analysis of why capitalism would be overthrown by the proletariat. Then would come socialism, a just, productive society
without class distinctions. Later, at a certain stage when industrial production
was very high, this socialist society will turn into communism, a perfect society
without police, money, or even government. Goods will be in such plenty that
people will just take what they need. There will be no private property, so there
will be no need for police. Because government is simply an instrument of class
domination, with the abolition of distinct classes there will be no need for the
state. It will "wither away."This has ranged from the mild "welfarism" of
social-democratic parties, to anarcho-syndicalism (unions running everything),
to Lenin's and Stalin's hypercentralized tyranny, to Trotsky's denunciation of
same, to Mao's self-destructive permanent revolution, to Tito's experimental
decentralized system. All, and a few more, claim to espouse "real" socialism.Communism, then, was Marx's predicted utopia
beyond socialism.They have a world to win.

Original text

Liberalism (classic variety) dominated the nineteenth century, but critics
deplored the growing gulf between rich and poor. Unlike T. H. Green, some did
not believe that a few reforms would suffice; they wanted to overthrow the capitalist system. These were the socialists, and their leading thinker was Karl Marx,
who wrote less as a scholar than a promoter of revolution. He hated the “bourgeoisie” long before he developed his elaborate theories that they were doomed.
An outline of his ideas appeared in his 1848 pamphlet The Communist Manifesto,
which concluded with the ringing words: “The proletarians have nothing to
lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of all countries, unite!”
Marx participated in organizing Europe’s first socialist parties.
Marx’s Capital was a gigantic analysis of why capitalism would be overthrown by the proletariat. Then would come socialism, a just, productive society
without class distinctions. Later, at a certain stage when industrial production
was very high, this socialist society will turn into communism, a perfect society
without police, money, or even government. Goods will be in such plenty that
people will just take what they need. There will be no private property, so there
will be no need for police. Because government is simply an instrument of class
domination, with the abolition of distinct classes there will be no need for the
state. It will “wither away.” Communism, then, was Marx’s predicted utopia
beyond socialism.
Marx focused on the ills and malfunctions of capitalism and never specified what socialism would be like, only that it would be much better than
capitalism; its precise workings he left vague. This has enabled a wide variety of socialist thinkers to put forward their own vision of socialism and say
it is what Marx really meant. This has ranged from the mild “welfarism” of
social-democratic parties, to anarcho-syndicalism (unions running everything),
to Lenin’s and Stalin’s hypercentralized tyranny, to Trotsky’s denunciation of
same, to Mao’s self-destructive permanent revolution, to Tito’s experimental
decentralized system. All, and a few more, claim to espouse “real” socialism.

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