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First we have two solutions: Na2CO3 and Ca(NO3).

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First we have two solutions: Na2CO3 and Ca(NO3). We weigh Na2CO3 with an accuracy of 0.5g in a
clean, dry beaker, then add to it 10.00ml of distilled water using the graduated cylinder and mix the mixture until the solid dissolves, then we weigh Na2CO3 in a clean, dry beaker with a capacity of 100ml, add distilled water and mix until It dissolves and then pour the solution from one beaker to another and use the straw to stir it. After mixing we weigh the filter funnel and then fold the filter paper and moisten the sides and pour the solution into the funnel and the filtration process takes 10 minutes first and more and then we need to weigh the funnel But it must first be dried, as we must put it in an hourglass and put it in the oven until it dries, and then weigh it.

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