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Coca Cola's CSR policies In 2007 Coca - Cola launched its sustainability framework Live Positively embedded on the system at all levels , from production and packaging to distribution .However , the Indian government acknowledged the need to adopt appropriate and enforceable standards for carbonated beverages Coca - Cola was also accused of causing water shortages in - among other areas the community of Plachimada in Kerala , southern India .energy and climate , sustainable packaging , water stewardship and the workplace Coca - Cola has a Code of Business Conduct which aims at providing guidelines to its employees on - amongst other things competition issues and anti - corruption .The Indian government undertook various investigations .

Original text

Coca Cola's CSR policies In 2007 Coca - Cola launched its sustainability framework Live Positively embedded on the system at all levels , from production and packaging to distribution . The company's CSR policy Live Positively establishes seven core areas where the company sets itself measurable goals to improve the business sustainability practices . The core areas are beverage benefits , active healthy living , the community . energy and climate , sustainable packaging , water stewardship and the workplace Coca - Cola has a Code of Business Conduct which aims at providing guidelines to its employees on - amongst other things competition issues and anti - corruption . Coca - Cola helped the community by providing them jobs that allowed them to be able to support their families . These jobs improved the standard of living for many families around the world . Also , creating these job opportunities helped in the economic growth . Coca - Cola always strived to help its employees by motivating them to be productive and increase their level of satisfaction The HR in Coca - Cola review their incentives programs regularly in order to make sure that their compensations are competitive . The workplace is comfortable and friendly in this encourage the workers to achieve the company's goals Coca - Cola runs many programs for the community . These programs were highly accepted by people and helped them to improve some skills and increase their awareness towards some contemporary issues . Some of these activities are : awareness on the impact of smoke on health , the importance of sport in our life , and anti - bullying in schools . In 2003 a report provided evidence of the presence of pesticides , to a level exceeding European standards , in a sample in India . The main NGO against CocaCola were that it sold products containing allegations made by unacceptable levels of pesticides , it extracted large amounts of groundwater and it had polluted water sources . The Indian government undertook various investigations . The tests found the presence of pesticides that failed to meet European standards , but they were still considered safe under local standards Therefore , it was concluded that Coca - Cola had not violated any national laws . However , the Indian government acknowledged the need to adopt appropriate and enforceable standards for carbonated beverages Coca - Cola was also accused of causing water shortages in - among other areas the community of Plachimada in Kerala , southern India . In addition , Coca - Cola was accused of water pollution by discharging wastewater into fields and rivers surrounding Coca - Cola's plants in the same community 2 Groundwater and soil were polluted to an extent that Indian public health authorities saw the need to post signs around wells and hand pumps advising the community that the water was unfit for human consumption .

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