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Cake is the dessert that is served on most special occasions such as birthday parties,
weddings, anniversaries, and holidays.
The names of cakes differ from one country to
another, such as dessert cake, maamoul cake, and plain cake.{1} more people prefer
homemade cakes to store-bought or company-made cakes for many reasons, such as
the type of cake, the cream, the flavor of the cream, the number of layers, and the
decorations used on top such as adding roses, pictures, or cartoon characters.
the different types of ready-made cakes, they are not made according to your desire or
request, and you cannot change them. Therefore, many people do the cake business
to meet the requirements of customers and test the suitable cake for them.
So In this
article, I will talk about one of the home-made cake makers in Bidiyah, Hana Al-
In 2016, Hana took her first step in her project, which she called Umm Al-
Yazid Sweets, where she started manufacturing a large amount of sweets after
receiving full psychological support from her family, as this beginning was In one of
the schools that holds a party for distinguished students in elementary school, Hana
made sweets for them and presented them. This was the beginning of her project, but
Hana returned her love and learned to make sweets, and it was only confined to her
family in 1999, after which she decided to establish her own project, , in this article I
will touch on three ideas first vision and mission, second support and challenges, third
marketing and returns.

Original text

Cake is the dessert that is served on most special occasions such as birthday parties,
weddings, anniversaries, and holidays. The names of cakes differ from one country to
another, such as dessert cake, maamoul cake, and plain cake.{1} more people prefer
homemade cakes to store-bought or company-made cakes for many reasons, such as
the type of cake, the cream, the flavor of the cream, the number of layers, and the
decorations used on top such as adding roses, pictures, or cartoon characters. With
the different types of ready-made cakes, they are not made according to your desire or
request, and you cannot change them. Therefore, many people do the cake business
to meet the requirements of customers and test the suitable cake for them. So In this
article, I will talk about one of the home-made cake makers in Bidiyah, Hana Al-
Hajri. In 2016, Hana took her first step in her project, which she called Umm Al-
Yazid Sweets, where she started manufacturing a large amount of sweets after
receiving full psychological support from her family, as this beginning was In one of
the schools that holds a party for distinguished students in elementary school, Hana
made sweets for them and presented them. This was the beginning of her project, but
Hana returned her love and learned to make sweets, and it was only confined to her
family in 1999, after which she decided to establish her own project, , in this article I
will touch on three ideas first vision and mission, second support and challenges, third
marketing and returns.

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