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Friday, January 10th at 8 pm. It features the UK's most intelligent and talented children all aged between 7 and 12 years old."And one of the Geography questions was," What are the currencies in Mozambique and Papua The children who take part in the TV show must have very hg New Guinea?The series is 20 episodes long, and the 20 participants test their skills at Maths, Spelling.Geography, Memory, Astronomy, Culture and many other categories.The second season of Genius of the Year is going to be aired on and they should train to answer lots of difficult questions For instance in the first season, one of the Maths questions was, What comes next in the sequence 1, 3, 4, 15, 17?

Original text

Friday, January 10th at 8 pm. It features the UK's most intelligent and talented children all aged between 7 and 12 years old. The series is 20 episodes long, and the 20 participants test their skills at Maths, Spelling. Geography, Memory, Astronomy, Culture and many other categories. In the final episode, they name the winner, who goes home with £ 100 000, The prize money must be used to pay universiy or college fees. The second season of Genius of the Year is going to be aired on and they should train to answer lots of difficult questions For instance in the first season, one of the Maths questions was, What comes next in the sequence 1, 3, 4, 15, 17? "And one of the Geography questions was," What are the currencies in Mozambique and Papua The children who take part in the TV show must have very hg New Guinea? "

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