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In order for us to achieve our project goals, we had to divide the task of developing the System into several more manageable parts.So, we will update our schedule by including it testing phase at the time where we need it.
I noticed that we have weakness in writing skills since our previous proposal contained some spilling mistakes and we spend a lot of time trying to write some paragraphs to deliver the information to the reader.The next thing we done was to implement the database as it will be supporting (i.e. providing services) to the front-end mobile application.Because I hadn't any experience in android and java before this project, so we faced many problems and errors during developing the mobile application.We created few components that show the brief and detailed specs of items on the mobile application.Creating these components and making a standard design for all pages have helped in reducing the time required for finishing the mobile application.Transitive dependence means that descriptor key attributes depend not only on the whole primary key, but also on other descriptor key attributes that, in turn, depend on the primary key.There were three broad categories under which our work activities fall: design activities, back-end implementation and front-end implementation.

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In order for us to achieve our project goals, we had to divide the task of developing the System into several more manageable parts. There were three broad categories under which our work activities fall: design activities, back-end implementation and front-end implementation. The design activities were the most critical part because a bad design has many disadvantages like taking longer time and danger of exposure to bugs. So, before running into implementation I spent some time thinking about the different scenarios under which the system will be used and wither my mobile application will function properly.
The next thing we done was to implement the database as it will be supporting (i.e. providing services) to the front-end mobile application. We carried out our designs and were able to convert our tables’ diagram into actual tables with no real trouble.
Finally, we had to develop the front-end mobile application. This was the most time-consuming part among the three.
Because I hadn't any experience in android and java before this project, so we faced many problems and errors during developing the mobile application.
I spent a lot of time in searching and asking for solutions for these problems and errors. We tried at all times to make the most of reusability.
We created few components that show the brief and detailed specs of items on the mobile application.
We were able to reuse this throughout our mobile application. Creating these components and making a standard design for all pages have helped in reducing the time required for finishing the mobile application.
I forgot in project plan testing phase. It is an important activity in the development. So that we have decided to include a testing phase in the plan of the project development by running tests for the different sections of the mobile application. So, we will update our schedule by including it testing phase at the time where we need it.
I noticed that we have weakness in writing skills since our previous proposal contained some spilling mistakes and we spend a lot of time trying to write some paragraphs to deliver the information to the reader. So, we should improve our writing skills by reading more documents and trying to write more paragraphs.

I entity is in the third normal form if it is in the second normal form and all of its attributes are not transitively dependent on the primary key. Transitive dependence means that descriptor key attributes depend not only on the whole primary key, but also on other descriptor key attributes that, in turn, depend on the primary key.

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