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Mental Health in the Nursing ProfessionTh
causes of burnout
and stress

Environmental and social factors For example
The meeting situation is low
Discrimination and discrimination
Adapting to a new living environment or culture
Unsafe working conditions
Living in a contaminated or hostile environment

High-Stress Environment
Every nursing specialty brings its own
challenges, but some specialties are naturally
more stressful than others.Lack of Sleep
One of the largest burnout risks for
professionals in any industry is
chronic lack of sleep.Lower Quality of Care
The most dangerous risk associated with
burnout is a decrease in the quality of
patient care.Mistakes due to exhaustion
can lead to patient discomfort, infection,
and even (in extreme cases) death.This is
particularly common for nurses who
work long hours and consecutive

Original text

Mental Health in the Nursing ProfessionTh
causes of burnout
and stress

Environmental and social factors For example
The meeting situation is low
Discrimination and discrimination
Adapting to a new living environment or culture
Unsafe working conditions
Living in a contaminated or hostile environment

High-Stress Environment
Every nursing specialty brings its own
challenges, but some specialties are naturally
more stressful than others.

Lower Quality of Care
The most dangerous risk associated with
burnout is a decrease in the quality of
patient care. Mistakes due to exhaustion
can lead to patient discomfort, infection,
and even (in extreme cases) death.

Lack of Sleep
One of the largest burnout risks for
professionals in any industry is
chronic lack of sleep. This is
particularly common for nurses who
work long hours and consecutive

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