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Topic one: The 18th Century and the rise
of the English Novel
The rise of the English novel occurred primarily in the 18th
century; this does not mean that there was no form of novels
before this time.These revolutions were pivotal, so much so that they
began to challenge the structure that threatened to asphyxiate its
emergence from the monarchical system to the aristocratic
privileges, especially the systems that nurtured to flame the slave
trade.By this, you can tell that several idiosyncrasies were
changed from being accepted as the norm, ranging from
European politics, philosophy, communications, and science
experience a total upheaval throughout the century.In retrospect, a more profound sense of appreciation can be
ascribed to this revolution that was seen as a threat but somehow
waded through all the hurdles in its way.This Age of Reason, also called the age of Enlightenment
witnessed thinkers from Britain to France and even throughout
Europe.These thinkers tasted the efficacy of rational thinking, logic and
knew that their lives and reality were never going to be the same.The elements of enlightened thinking were at
the fore of this revolution.On a larger scale, slave trading and human trafficking were at
their peak.Without this revolution,
a lot of privileges we partake in presently would not have been a
thing to imagine, think, talk more of experience.It only means that there was an increased release
of novels and novelists during this period.This
period witnessed a great revolution that shook the society
structure of its time.They discovered that their lives as humans and others' lives, in all
its vicissitude, can be enhanced through rational thinking.This is the
century between January 1, 1700, and December 31, 1799.This was experienced in the French,
American, and Haitian revolutions.Thanks to the
revolution of the 18th century, we have and experience life with its
modern perks.These thinkers began to question the traditional normalcy
they were born into and had adopted through their lives.The 18th century was a
period that lasted from 1685 - 1815.Most often, the term is used to refer to the 1700s.This century was called the 'century of Light' or the 'Century of

Original text

Topic one: The 18th Century and the rise
of the English Novel
The rise of the English novel occurred primarily in the 18th
century; this does not mean that there was no form of novels
before this time. It only means that there was an increased release
of novels and novelists during this period. The 18th century was a
period that lasted from 1685 – 1815.
Most often, the term is used to refer to the 1700s. This is the
century between January 1, 1700, and December 31, 1799. This
period witnessed a great revolution that shook the society
structure of its time. The elements of enlightened thinking were at
the fore of this revolution. This was experienced in the French,
American, and Haitian revolutions.
On a larger scale, slave trading and human trafficking were at
their peak. These revolutions were pivotal, so much so that they
began to challenge the structure that threatened to asphyxiate its
emergence from the monarchical system to the aristocratic
privileges, especially the systems that nurtured to flame the slave
In retrospect, a more profound sense of appreciation can be
ascribed to this revolution that was seen as a threat but somehow
waded through all the hurdles in its way. Without this revolution,
a lot of privileges we partake in presently would not have been a
thing to imagine, think, talk more of experience. Thanks to the
revolution of the 18th century, we have and experience life with its
modern perks.
This century was called the ‘century of Light’ or the ‘Century of
Reason.’ By this, you can tell that several idiosyncrasies were
changed from being accepted as the norm, ranging from
European politics, philosophy, communications, and science
experience a total upheaval throughout the century.
This Age of Reason, also called the age of Enlightenment
witnessed thinkers from Britain to France and even throughout
Europe. These thinkers began to question the traditional normalcy
they were born into and had adopted through their lives.
These thinkers tasted the efficacy of rational thinking, logic and
knew that their lives and reality were never going to be the same.
They discovered that their lives as humans and others’ lives, in all
its vicissitude, can be enhanced through rational thinking.
In an essay called” What is Enlightenment?” (1784) Immanual
Kant, the German philosopher summarized the era’s dominance
succinctly, as the: ‘Dare to know! Have courage to use your own
reason!’ era. Not only Immanuel Kant’s essay came to thrive, but
also an influx of other essays. This era saw the evolution of
Also, it gave life to numerous essays, inventions, books, laws,
scientific discoveries, revolutions, and wars. The major revolutions,
the American and French Revolutions, were influenced by the 18th
History of the English novel
The 18th century marked the period where novels were
distributed on a large scale, and a certain level of demand arose
among English readers. This demand is also due to people’s desire
for reading about everyday events, events which went on to shape
the lives and actions of fictional characters. Some of the earliest
novels include Robinson Crusoe and Tom Jones which were written
by Daniel Defoe and Henry Fielding.
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe was first published on 25 April
1719. The first edition credited the work’s protagonist Robinson
Crusoe as its author and therefore many readers thought that the
book was the biography of a real person.
It happened that this century was replete with literature in all its
forms – poetry, drama, satire, and novels especially. This period
saw the development of the modern novel as a major literary
genre. Many novelists who revolutionized the sphere of this
literature genre can be dated back to this century. Novelists like:

  1. Thomas Malory, Le Morte d’Arthur also known as Le Morte

  2. William Baldwin, who authored Beware the Cat

  3. Margaret Cavendish – The Description of a New World, also
    called The Blazing-World

  4. John Lyly, Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit (1578), and Euphues
    and his England (1580)

  5. Jonathan Swift – Gulliver’s Travels

  6. Philip Sidney -The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia (a.k.a.
    Arcadia) (1581)

  7. Jonathan Swift – A Tale of a Tub published in 1704

  8. William Caxton’s translation of Geoffroy de la Tour Landry –
    The Book of the Knight of the Tower, originally in French and
    was published in 1483

  9. Daniel Defoe -The Consolidator in 1705

  10. John Bunyan’s – The Pilgrim’s Progress from This World,
    to That Which Is to Come, published in 1678

  11. Aphra Behn’s – Oroonoko or the Royal Slave was
    published in 1688.

  12. Anonymous, Vertue Rewarded 1693
    Some of the most influential novels of the 18th century
    These are some of the earliest novels, including Robinson Crusoe
    and Tom Jones, written by Daniel Defoe and Henry Fielding,
    respectively. Also, the theater as an art form was not available to
    every member of the population.
    The novel was popular because it could reach a larger audience,
    even those who could not afford a ticket into a theater. It is also
    important to note that during this period, drama had begun to
    decline in England. The growth of the novel can also be attributed
    to the need of individuals to create something new, something
    The social and intellectual circle longed for something completely
    new yet individualized. The people wanted stories that mirrored
    their own lives, stories that had a recognizable nature, and this
    need birthed the novel.
    Furthermore, the rise of the middle class in the 18th century has a
    direct effect on the rise of novels.
    Another factor responsible is the popularity of newspapers in the
    17th century, and the growth of periodicals. For example, the
    novel, Pamela by Samuel Richardson was originally intended as a
    series of letters, but instead, it was made into a novel. The
    newspapers helped the reading culture among the lower class.
    The democratic movement that gripped England after the
    Glorious Revolution of 1689 could also be regarded as one factor
    that gave rise to the novel in the 18th century. This is because the
    democratic system emphasized commoners’ stories, who were the
    subjects in many of the novels written during this period. Also, the
    novels by Richardson, Sterne, Smollet, and Fielding center around
    commoners’ lives, rather than that of the ruling class.
    Conclusively, the rise of realism in the 18th century also affected
    the growth of the novel. Factors such as reason, intellect, and
    satirical spirit were all adopted into the novel form and were
    principal subjects in the realist movement.
    The rise of the English novel was affected by several factors; one
    of the most significant is the medieval romance, and the courtly
    tales of Italy and France. Translations from classical Greek materials
    also gave to the rise of the English novel.
    The Rise of the Middle Class
    One thing that stood out for the audience of the 18th-century was
    how these authors were the regular everyday people. Since the
    theater as an art form was not available to every member of the
    population, the novel became succor.
    The people who made up the novels’ audience were the middle
    class and those considered to be at the lowest rung of society’s
    strata. The combination of these classes of people was larger than
    the upper class. This made these novels reach a larger audience,
    even those who could not afford a ticket into a theater.
    It is also important to note that during this period, drama had
    begun to decline in England. There was a tilt that no longer sated
    the theatrical audience but seemed to wet the parched thirst of
    the rapid novel audience.
    The growth of the English novel can also be attributed to
    individuals’ need to create something new, something different.
    The social and intellectual circle longed for something completely
    new yet individualized. Also, the people wanted stories that
    mirrored their own lives, stories which had a recognizable nature
    to theirs, and this need birthed the novel.
    Furthermore, the rise of the middle class in the 18th century
    directly affected the rise of novels.
    The emergence of the middle class occurred in the 18th century
    due to the Industrial Revolution. Many people became rich
    because of the quick industrial development, and other
    professions such as lawyers or administrative officials also
    developed to meet the demands of society.
    Factors that influenced the emergence of the novel as a new

  13. Novelty
    Firstly, apart from the novel being a break from the norm, its
    novelty attracted a lot of traction. People’s curiosity was aroused
    not only that, it delivered a satisfaction of a craving that was
    hitherto non-existential.

  14. The Print Press
    A second factor responsible is the Print Press. The teeming
    popularity of newspapers in the 18th century and the growth of
    periodicals and bulletins gave people something tangible to look
    forward to. These reads held reforms that were rational even
    though not yet implemented. By this, there was something new to
    learn, a cause to propagate, or some pioneer movement to look
    forward to.
    Press with drying newspapers – The growing popularity of the
    print press in the 18th century played a role in the rise of the
    English novel.
    One of the repercussions of the Print Press is the novel Pamela by
    Samuel Richardson, which was created to be a collection of letters.
    Still, somehow maturated into the novel, it became eventually.
    The print press also reduced the price of ink, paper, bookbinding,
    etc. All these became more affordable as book production
    became more commercialized. This continuous increase in literacy
    rates brought about a demand for more written text.
    Through this, the growth of the reading audience allowed authors
    to write more novels, and readers better able to read them. This
    factor significantly led to the English novel’s rise. The newspapers
    and the varied print media helped the reading culture among the
    lower class and prepared the soil for the seeds of what the novel
    brought to the existing society then.

  15. The Glorious Revolution
    In addition, the democratic movement that gripped England after
    the Glorious Revolution of 1689 could also be regarded as one of
    the factors that gave rise to the novel in the 18th century.
    The Glorious Revolution is a factor that aided the growth of the
    English novel because the democratic system emphasized the
    stories of commoners, who were the subjects in many of the
    novels written during this period. This brought it so close to home
    and spiked the emotions of the people.
    The novels of Richardson, Sterne, Smollet, and Fielding center
    around the life of commoners, rather than that of the ruling class,
    and very well became a constant among the people.
    The Glorious Revolution took place from 1688 to 1689 in England.
    It involved the overthrow of the Catholic king James II, who was
    replaced by his Protestant daughter Mary and her Dutch husband,
    William of Orange. The establishment of the democratic system
    helped the rise of the English novel.

  16. The Middle Class
    Next, the rise of the middle class. The rise of the middle class as a
    factor that aided the rise of the English novel can be seen through
    the growth of the lower class. The middle class was made up of
    numerous merchants and manufacturers who amassed great
    fortunes and were able to enlarge their political influence and
    consequentially increase their social influence. This made a lot of
    trades more lucrative and dignified.
    These further gave rise to the middle class. Also, the middle class
    of the 18th century became quite liberated in their thoughts and
    began to challenge certain laws that existed.
    All these changes and supposed chaos gave thought-leaders
    more to write about. Through these, writers were encouraged to
    put out information out there, be it biased or unbiased. As a
    result, the common man whose opinions were regarded highly
    easily became one of prominence in the society, where he was a
    part of the upper strata or not.

  17. Literacy
    Then there was an increase in education. The only way novels
    became a thing was if people could read them and talk about
    them. This is not to say people of that age never showed any
    literacy. There is a difference between just saying things out loud,
    talking about them, and being able to read or write about them.
    Very evident is the Canterbury Tales, which was not only penned
    down but was mostly spread through folklore. Although a written
    book could appear to be longer and with a more complex plot,
    the oral stories tend to be shorter because it was passed on
    through word of mouth and cannot be put down to be read or
    listened to later.
    On the other hand, the novel could be put down to be read later
    without losing the storyline. Those who could not read made sure
    they learned how to, and so did generations after them. This was
    no longer a luxury a select few could afford. It became a necessity
    – a way of life, and no one was to be left out.

  18. Leisure
    To buttress, a factor that aided the growth of the English novel
    came from the leisure a lot of folks then started to experience.
    The industrialization that gave rise to the middle class’s economic
    and financial status also afforded them options.
    More time meant more leisure cum rest. Life became a lot easier
    for them. There was an increase in the number of people who had
    a little or more time to rest and experience some leisure. The
    middle class could now afford certain luxuries like candles and oil
    lamps which could be used to read at night after the day’s work.
    Conclusively, the rise of realism in the 18th century also affected
    the growth of the novel. Factors such as reason, intellect, and
    satirical spirit were all adopted into the novel form and were
    principal subjects in the realist movement.
    Characteristic of the English Novel

  19. The eighteenth-century English novel’s main characteristics
    are the relatable characters from different walks of life,
    different social strata, settings, and complexity of plots that
    illustrate complex life . They are usually centered around
    real-life issues.

  20. Unlike the romance novels, the English novels of the 18th
    century depicted a lot of reason, logical projection of
    thoughts, and facts. Whatever that propagated idealism was
    not welcomed or patronized.
    Just as the people began to question the societal norms, it
    became evident in their writing. Some novels seek to enlighten,
    others inform, a generous amount seems to entertain, and there
    were also those English novels which were a blend of them – just
    like ‘infotainment.’

  21. The English novels illustrated the rise of the middle class.
    Therefore, its theme, subject matter, style, characters, and
    setting took these into consideration. Unlike romance, the
    characters were not kings, queens, knights, or nobles.
    Instead, they are created using characters that are the typical
    everyday middle-class people of many different professions.
    It was no wonder that readers found the strengths,
    weaknesses, and travails of these characters quite relatable.
    The setting and plot of novels also reflect this new focus of
    realism. The setting became the conventional realistic world we
    live in, rather than an imaginative kingdom or place. This was a
    magical aspect of the English novel – every reader at different
    times, in different places, experiencing a certain reality felt like
    they mattered. Their voice was being heard, and that they were
    not alone in their plight. This was how much the readers could see
    their own times and places in English novels.
    The middle class further experienced some power that was never
    experienced before. This was wielded by the power of the pen
    that was discovered at that time. Whatever that was put on paper
    was brought to light and could be easily tackled or did cower
    willingly out of their list of issues just because it was brought to
    the open. The latter was mostly the case.

  22. Although the English novel tried to present its ideas logically,
    one thing that stood out for it was its choice of words and
    writing style. It was unique in its simplicity; nothing
    grandiose or exaggerated, just a play on words to better
    express one’s logical reasoning regarding the topic in quest.

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