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Alice Walker describes the tragic lives of black women under the dual oppression of racism
and sexism in the early 20th century.The fifth part, as the conclusion, summarises the thesis and links the specific meaning of
"The Color Purple" with the historical significance of the novel.From a
feminist perspective, this work attempts to systematically analyze how black women lose,
gain, and gain female identity in a vibrant American society.The second part describes and analyzes
how black women are victims of domestic violence, sexism, and racism.Part
four describes how black women regained their rights to their bodies, marriages, and beliets.

Original text

Alice Walker describes the tragic lives of black women under the dual oppression of racism
and sexism in the early 20th century. "The Color Purple" features a new image of black
women who were raped, beaten and separated, but who tought, fought and survived. From a
feminist perspective, this work attempts to systematically analyze how black women lose,
gain, and gain female identity in a vibrant American society.
The first part is introductory and covers Alice Walker's life and work, the background to The
Color Purple, and a successful study of the novel. The second part describes and analyzes
how black women are victims of domestic violence, sexism, and racism.
The third part discusses the various ways in which black women protect themselves,
sustain their dreams, help each other, and use African culture as a refuge and home. Part
four describes how black women regained their rights to their bodies, marriages, and beliets.
Through hard work and hard work, black women are finally able to live a good life without
men, choose the right man, and take their own view of men, society, and religion.
The fifth part, as the conclusion, summarises the thesis and links the specific meaning of
"The Color Purple" with the historical significance of the novel.

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