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A novel WDM-RoF system scheme for the next generation 5G mobile communication is proposed in this paper.The establishment of S-CS can achieve centralized management of BS operations, improve the reasonable scheduling and allocation of resources, simplify the complexity and lessen the power consumption of the base station.
A novel WDM-RoF system scheme for the next generation 5G mobile communication is proposed in this paper. This system can relieve the chromatic dispersion effects and attenuation, which consists of the central station (CS), the sub-central station (S-CS) and the base station (BS). This structure will integrate seamlessly with the existing WDM-PON, which can reduce the construction cost of the RoF system. The establishment of S-CS can achieve centralized management of BS operations, improve the reasonable scheduling and allocation of resources, simplify the complexity and lessen the power consumption of the base station. The simulation results based on Optisystem verify the feasibility of the WDM-RoF system with 20GHz subcarrier.
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