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I've had a great experience building a positive relationship to solve a problem.We were able to collaborate effectively, and the outcome was a successful project that exceeded our expectations.There was a time when I was working on a group project, and there was a team member who seemed disengaged and uninterested in contributing.Instead of getting frustrated, I decided to take a proactive approach.

Original text

I've had a great experience building a positive relationship to solve a problem. There was a time when I was working on a group project, and there was a team member who seemed disengaged and uninterested in contributing. Instead of getting frustrated, I decided to take a proactive approach. I reached out to them, expressing my interest in their ideas and perspectives. I asked for their input and made sure to listen attentively. By showing genuine interest and respect, I was able to build trust and establish a positive relationship. As a result, they became more engaged and started actively participating in the project. We were able to collaborate effectively, and the outcome was a successful project that exceeded our expectations. It was a great reminder of the power of building positive relationships to achieve better results!

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