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We all agree that world class education is not just about what we learn in classrooms.Co-op basically provides work opportunities to students in their
relevant sectors, while they are studying.This prepares the students for the real world by introducing them early to the work environment and also inculcates discipline.

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We all agree that world class education is not just about what we learn in classrooms. It is also about how prepared we are for the real world.
Canada has a fantastic system called co-operative work, to address just that. Co-op basically provides work opportunities to students in their
relevant sectors, while they are studying. So, an engineering student gets an opportunity to work for an engineering company during their study.
This prepares the students for the real world by introducing them early to the work environment and also inculcates discipline.
A typical co-op is for about 4 months in a year. So, if a student is enrolled in a 4 year degree program which offers co-op

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