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This report presents the findings of our investigation into the disappearance of Flight 305.The main findings were (1) that the airplane hit a severe thunderstorm, (2) that it stalled, and (3) that the co-pilot knew about the problem with the speed but couldn't communicate the problem to the pilot in time .The report recommends that all pitot tubes be inspected and replaced regularly when necessary, and that the airline should train all flight crew on how to communicate better during emergencies.

Original text

This report presents the findings of our investigation into the disappearance of Flight 305. At 14.17, on Nov. 20th , the pilot made one final radio transmission before the plane entered a severe high-altitude thunderstorm after which the plane disappeared. The investigative procedure included analysis of radio transmission before the airplane's disappearance, weather data, and flight data. The main findings were (1) that the airplane hit a severe thunderstorm, (2) that it stalled, and (3) that the co-pilot knew about the problem with the speed but couldn’t communicate the problem to the pilot in time . Our conclusions are that (1) the pitot tubes froze when the plane entered the thunderstorm, (2) the autopilot was disabled causing the plane to slow down, (3) the pilot didn’t know that there was a problem with the speed until it was too late, and (4) bad communication between the co-pilot and the pilot prevented them from fixing the problem on time. The report recommends that all pitot tubes be inspected and replaced regularly when necessary, and that the airline should train all flight crew on how to communicate better during emergencies.

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