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Enterprise (a flying vehicle that travels to other galaxies at amazing speeds) stops at a space station for repairs.After everyone else reaches the starbase (the space station), the problem mysteriously corrects itself, and the ship disappears.The four Bynars (beings with computerized brains) that are doing maintenance seem worried.Picard and Riker manage to get into the Bynarus file and restart the computer.As the crew on the starbase try to figure out a way to recover the Enterprise, the captain and his helper discover what has happened.

Original text

Enterprise (a flying vehicle that travels to other galaxies at amazing speeds) stops at a space station for repairs. The four Bynars (beings with computerized brains) that are doing maintenance seem worried. Suddenly, they realize the ship is about to explode and order evacuation. Everyone leaves except Picard, the captain, and Riker, the second man in command, who don't hear the alert. After everyone else reaches the starbase (the space station), the problem mysteriously corrects itself, and the ship disappears. As the crew on the starbase try to figure out a way to recover the Enterprise, the captain and his helper discover what has happened. They instantly transport themselves to the bridge, where they find the Bynars unconscious, dying, and asking for help. The ship reaches Bynarus, the Bynars' planet. Because of an exploded star that destroyed the planet's center computer, Bynarus is dead too. The Bynars needed the Enterprise to store the data from the planet during the shutdown time. Picard and Riker manage to get into the Bynarus file and restart the computer. The Bynars come back to life. Undamaged, the ship returns to the starbase.

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