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This section or chapter discusses the related work in relation to appling machine learning techniques for text classification , focusing on natural language input data.After stop word removal, a feature selection process is conducted to select relevant and effective features for improved news classification.

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This section or chapter discusses the related work in relation to appling machine learning techniques for text classification , focusing on natural language input data. The text uses the BBC world dataset [13].

  In [10] , the authors focused on machine learning methodologies and document representation techniques, with an emphasis on feature selection strategies and classification algorithms. It explores single and mixed feature selection techniques, such as Chi-square statistics and information gain, and hybrid techniques such as Support Vector Machines (SVM), Native Bayes (NB), and k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN) for automatic document classification. SVM is effective in text classification, while NB excels in email classification and spam filtering. Future research should focus on enhancing the performance and accuracy of document classification. Hybrid methods such as SVM, NB, and kNN are promising approaches for automatic document classification . 

In [2] , a outlines a news classification workflow that involves news accumulation, data processing (tokenization, stop word removal), and feature selection using techniques like Boolean Weighting and Information Gain. The workflow starts with gathering news from various sources, followed by data cleaning to remove corrupt or useless information. The processed data is then tokenized, breaking the text into smaller units. Stop word removal is applied to eliminate low-value words, either based on conceptual meaning or using a predefined list of English stop words. After stop word removal, a feature selection process is conducted to select relevant and effective features for improved news classification. Boolean Weighting assesses the presence or absence of words in the news, assigning values of 1 or 0 accordingly. Information Gain measures the likelihood of a word appearing in a specific news article. Overall, this workflow aims to enhance the accuracy of news classification by refining the data and selecting informative features .

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