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Terri, 4 months old, likes to learn about the shape and texture of a safe, soft rattle by sucking and chewing on it. By 9 months she is trying different ways to learn about the object.She shakes, bangs, switches hands, turns the rattle over to inspect the other side, tries to roll it and sit on it, and throws it many times, on y to r rieve it by crawling very quickly across the floor.This trajectory or path of development is continuous, as Terri seems to progress forward in her acquisition of skills that help her learn about objects such as rattles.

Original text

Terri, 4 months old, likes to learn about the shape and texture of a safe, soft rattle by sucking and chewing on it. By 9 months she is trying different ways to learn about the object. She shakes, bangs, switches hands, turns the rattle over to inspect the other side, tries to roll it and sit on it, and throws it many times, on y to r rieve it by crawling very quickly across the floor. This trajectory or path of development is continuous, as Terri seems to progress forward in her acquisition of skills that help her learn about objects such as rattles. One skill seems to build on the previous skill.@iscontinuity occurs at significant points of development when the chi s e avmor seems very different from the age before For example, 7-month-olds (as opposed to 2-month-olds) have a cluster of skills that propel them to be social partners who "act as if they understand that their thoughts, feelings, and actions can be understood by another person" (Zeanah, Boris, & Larrieu, 1997, p. 166). Toddlers also seem worlds apart from infants because they have developed a whole constellation of skills that contribute to their emerging independence, a marked contrast to only a year before. These points of rapidly increasing skills in development are considered transition points, as they have an effect on both how the baby views the world and how the teachers and caregivers interact with the infant or toddler. For example, when a baby begins to.walk,.ghe infant views the world differently and the caregiver views the child as more capable.

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