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The experimental vehicle named Ingenuity flew higher and longer in its second flight on
Mars.NASA's engineers already made history on Monday with the 39.1-second flight of
Ingenuity, a small helicopter, in the thin atmosphere on Mars.The device broke apart
carbon dioxide molecules in the Martian air.At 5:33 a.m. Eastern time -- it was 12:33 p.m. in Jezero crater on Mars -- Ingenuity
autonomously lifted again off the red surface of Mars, kicking up a cloud of dust as it ascended.Other activities on Perseverance are also gearing up. NASA reported on Wednesday the success
of an experiment on the rover called MOXIE in generating oxygen.It
reached a height of 16 feet, tilted itself by 5 degrees to move seven feet sideways, hovered and
turned to point its color camera in multiple directions, then returned to its starting point to land.That advance will be crucial for future astronauts
arriving from Earth -- both to create something for them to breathe and to generate propellant
for their return to Earth."It sounds simple, but there are many unknowns regarding how to fly a helicopter on Mars,"
Havard Grip, Ingenuity's chief pilot, said in a NASA news release.Adjusting the commands sent from Earth to Mars appears to have
solved the problem.The remaining flights are to further stretch Ingenuity to its limits.On Thursday, they added to their
success when the experimental vehicle flew higher, longer and riskier.MiMi Aung, the project's
manager, said on Monday she hoped the last one may travel as far as some 2,300 feet from its
starting point.

Original text

The experimental vehicle named Ingenuity flew higher and longer in its second flight on
Mars.NASA’s engineers already made history on Monday with the 39.1-second flight of
Ingenuity, a small helicopter, in the thin atmosphere on Mars. On Thursday, they added to their
success when the experimental vehicle flew higher, longer and riskier.
At 5:33 a.m. Eastern time — it was 12:33 p.m. in Jezero crater on Mars — Ingenuity
autonomously lifted again off the red surface of Mars, kicking up a cloud of dust as it ascended. It
reached a height of 16 feet, tilted itself by 5 degrees to move seven feet sideways, hovered and
turned to point its color camera in multiple directions, then returned to its starting point to land.
“It sounds simple, but there are many unknowns regarding how to fly a helicopter on Mars,”
Håvard Grip, Ingenuity’s chief pilot, said in a NASA news release. “That’s why we’re here — to
make these unknowns known.”
The Ingenuity helicopter is a demonstration of a new aerial capability that NASA could use in
future years, and it was added to Perseverance, a rover that cost billions of dollars to send to
Mars to search for signs of extinct microbial life. Although the small rotorcraft cost a fraction of
the mission that carried it — $85 million — it packs sophisticated computer hardware and
software. And the project required engineers at NASA to devise solutions to major engineering
Most difficult among them was how to make a helicopter fly in 1/100th the air that’s found at
Earth’s surface, without which it is difficult to fly. The team at NASA’s Jet Propulsion
Laboratory that built Ingenuity overcame these problems with ultralight materials that could spin
at roughly 2,400 rotations per minute In its first flight on Monday, Ingenuity rose to a height of 10 feet before pivoting 90 degrees and
landing almost exactly where it started. But the short hop was the first powered flight like an
airplane or a helicopter on another world, and extended NASA’s list of distinctions on Mars.
It also reinforced how the solar system’s mysteries can be unlocked with modes of transportation
beyond robotic surface rovers and orbiting satellites. Engineers on Earth may be more inspired to
explore the potential of other unconventional spacecraft like a robotic blimp to study the clouds
of Venus or a submarine drone to dive into the oceans of icy moons like Europa.
There are no current plans to put a second helicopter on Mars. But Bob Balaram, the project’s
chief engineer, said on Monday he and colleagues had begun sketching out designs for a larger
Mars helicopter capable of carrying some 10 pounds of science equipment.
The Ingenuity team has little time to spare to complete its test program. NASA allocated only 30
Martian days — about 31 Earth days — for up to five test flights. Then the rover, its link to
Earth, will head off to start its main mission of searching for signs of past life in a dried-up river
delta along the rim of the crater.
The engineers lost a week diagnosing a problem that stopped the Ingenuity’s computer from
switching into “flight mode.” Adjusting the commands sent from Earth to Mars appears to have
solved the problem.
The remaining flights are to further stretch Ingenuity to its limits. MiMi Aung, the project’s
manager, said on Monday she hoped the last one may travel as far as some 2,300 feet from its
starting point.
Other activities on Perseverance are also gearing up. NASA reported on Wednesday the success
of an experiment on the rover called MOXIE in generating oxygen. The device broke apart
carbon dioxide molecules in the Martian air. That advance will be crucial for future astronauts
arriving from Earth — both to create something for them to breathe and to generate propellant
for their return to Earth.

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