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Difficulties arising out of differences of cultures constitute the most serious problems for translators and
have produced the most far-reaching misunderstanding among readers.
[12] Culture itself has its own
limitation in transferring the source text into target text. Each society or group of people based on their
historical background, local situations, and religion with their specific language, construct their own culture
which is respected, performed and accepted along with its limitations.
Limitation in translation is one of the
specific features of culture, not necessarily imposed from outside world. Behaviors which are acceptable will
vary from location to location. [13] Nowadays, the major problem in translation is being certainly influenced
by different cultural norms in the source language and target language.
The translator's responsibility is to
choose the norms that take priority over others. It depends on translator's decision if the cultural norms of the
source language, target language, or a combination of both are essential to be considered.

Original text

Difficulties arising out of differences of cultures constitute the most serious problems for translators and
have produced the most far-reaching misunderstanding among readers. [12] Culture itself has its own
limitation in transferring the source text into target text. Each society or group of people based on their
historical background, local situations, and religion with their specific language, construct their own culture
which is respected, performed and accepted along with its limitations. Limitation in translation is one of the
specific features of culture, not necessarily imposed from outside world. Behaviors which are acceptable will
vary from location to location. [13] Nowadays, the major problem in translation is being certainly influenced
by different cultural norms in the source language and target language. The translator's responsibility is to
choose the norms that take priority over others. It depends on translator's decision if the cultural norms of the
source language, target language, or a combination of both are essential to be considered.

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