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Research is mainly carried out to find answers to a specific question or problem under
investigation.Professionals across different settings conduct research to investigate topics relating
to their field of study, increase knowledge to support evidence-based practices, test new
hypotheses or to further understanding of existing theories.Researchers use different methods to
conduct their investigations.

Original text

Research is mainly carried out to find answers to a specific question or problem under
investigation. Professionals across different settings conduct research to investigate topics relating
to their field of study, increase knowledge to support evidence-based practices, test new
hypotheses or to further understanding of existing theories. Researchers use different methods to
conduct their investigations. Ideally, all research questions should be addressed using the scientific
method to avoid inaccurate information; however, that it is not always the case. Some researchers
seek to find answers through non-scientific approaches, which are often based on experts’
knowledge, instincts, beliefs, and professional reputation. In order to understand and evaluate the
quality of research studies and apply findings effectively, it is necessary to become familiar with
the characteristics that differentiate scientific research studies from nonscientific approaches

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