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There are a number of factors that can have an Impact on the successful development of a Multimedia E Learning System.The must also be dedicated online support available at all the times Lack of easy access: The multimedia contents developed must be easily accessible to all the people intended to use the system.The multimedia content must not also have an inconsistent look and feel and the guidelines to follow the content must be defined.An initial check on whether students are ready to accept the multimedia content must be conducted.The Interactions were classified by Moore, 1989 as student-content, student instructor, Madhukar in 2002 pointed out some of the negative influences of using internet as a medium of e learning. Other than the factors established by research mentioned above, there are some organizational factors that may result in the failure of multimedia e learning systems: a.) Inadequate planning: The objectives of any online e course can't be achieved if there isn't any specific plan regarding the development and distribution of the course.Papp in 2000 identified intellectual property, suitability of course content, building e learning course, suitability of e learning course and measuring the success of e learning courses as critical success factors for any e learning system.Online tools also enhance the interaction capabilities of an E Learning (Newberry, 2005).Newberry, 2008 says that quality of interactions is as important as the quality of content of an online E Learning.

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There are a number of factors that can have an Impact on the successful development of a Multimedia E Learning System. Papp in 2000 identified intellectual property, suitability of course content, building e learning course, suitability of e learning course and measuring the success of e learning courses as critical success factors for any e learning system. Chou in 2003 identified type of media, exchange of information and interaction between members of class as the dimensions for development of an E Learning. Dennen, Darabi & Smith 2007 also derived similar dimensions for the development of E Learning. the importance of online tools to develop the E Learning has also been discussed. Owston, 1997 says that online tools are easy to organize contents and add flexibility to an online learning environment. Online tools also enhance the interaction capabilities of an E Learning (Newberry, 2005).Newberry, 2008 says that quality of interactions is as important as the quality of content of an online E Learning. Proper organization of material ensures that the objectives of an online course are achieved. Organero and Kloos, 2007, identified Motivational factors as the most important factors for the successful implementation of an E Learning. The Interactions were classified by Moore, 1989 as student-content, student instructor, Madhukar in 2002 pointed out some of the negative influences of using internet as a medium of e learning. According to them failure to prepare students for using e learning and not obtaining the copyright clearance may result in the failure of e learning. Other than the factors established by research mentioned above, there are some organizational factors that may result in the failure of multimedia e learning systems: a.) Inadequate planning: The objectives of any online e course can't be achieved if there isn't any specific plan regarding the development and distribution of the course. These issues and challenges if not addressed adequately may seriously dent the purpose of an online course and will not serve the purpose for its creation. The must also be dedicated online support available at all the times Lack of easy access: The multimedia contents developed must be easily accessible to all the people intended to use the system. The standards must be followed while implementing the technological infrastructure for the development of the content. The multimedia content must not also have an inconsistent look and feel and the guidelines to follow the content must be defined. An initial check on whether students are ready to accept the multimedia content must be conducted.

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