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William Blake is one of the most well-known British poets and artists of the Romantic era, an artistic and literary movement that originated in Europe towards the end of the 18th century.His poetry, like most Romantic poetry, is inspired by the natural world, viewing nature as an escape from the growing pervasiveness of technology as a reaction to the industrial revolution and the bustle of city life.

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William Blake is one of the most well-known British poets and artists of the Romantic era, an artistic and literary movement that originated in Europe towards the end of the 18th century. His poetry, like most Romantic poetry, is inspired by the natural world, viewing nature as an escape from the growing pervasiveness of technology as a reaction to the industrial revolution and the bustle of city life. “The Tyger,” written in 1794, uses the image of a tiger to represent the paradox of evil under an omniscient and loving God, challenging the ethics of a God who could create both divine good (the lamb) and divine evil (the tiger). The speaker is essentially questioning the implications of a God who would invent such a terrifying animal.

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