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A further problem with the 'positive' images approach development of a burden of representation on ethnic minorities in the media and the arts who, as a result of being isolated within predominantly white media institutions, found themselves expected to stand for their entire ethnic group (Mercer 1990).
A further problem with the ‘positive’ images approach
development of a burden of representation on ethnic minorities in the media and
the arts who, as a result of being isolated within predominantly white media
institutions, found themselves expected to stand for their entire ethnic group (Mercer
1990). Unlike whites, whose ethnicity tends to be rendered invisible in Western
countries by their majority status, the attitudes and behaviour of ethnic minorities in
the media are often in danger of being taken as representative of all those of their skin
colour, origin or religion. Attempts to promote positive images can reinforce the
pressure on writers, directors, artists and actors to ensure a socially acceptable
impression is conveyed – and this can create limits on feasible character-types and
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