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Reorganizing analysed data
You now have coded data.You will see how a
particular theme or perspective has a range of evidence relating to it.
You may be able to assess the strength and complexity of these ideas
too: one with a substantial supporting data will seem more persua-
sive than one with little to back it up.
Compare themes and perspectives: Now examine how these vari-
ous themes and perspectives relate to each other.As well as links,
similarities and differences, look for contradictions, uncertainties,
tensions, dilemmas.Your next step is to reorganize these according to the codes like this:
Group your data: Make a list of the themes and perspectives you
have identified. If another perspective is about the role of parental expec-
tation, bring those data together too (note how this grouping process
is rather similar to how you handled material in your literature review
in Chapter 6).Again, this process is similar to the
process of agreement and contrast which you tackled in your literature
review, except that now you are applying it to your collected data.Then collect all the data from all your methods relat-
ing to each theme and each perspective on that theme.Are themes com-
pletely separate, or are there links between them?Do they reflect different
interests, emphases or priorities?

Original text

Reorganizing analysed data
You now have coded data. Your next step is to reorganize these according to the codes like this:
Group your data: Make a list of the themes and perspectives you
have identified. Then collect all the data from all your methods relat-
ing to each theme and each perspective on that theme. For example,
if a common theme in your data is 'student achievement', draw
together all data that you have collected from all your methods about
this theme. If one perspective on that theme is about the importance
of good teaching, identify all the data within the group that give that
perspective. If another perspective is about the role of parental expec-
tation, bring those data together too (note how this grouping process
is rather similar to how you handled material in your literature review
in Chapter 6). We call this 'integrating' your data.
2 Examine data: Now look at what you have got. You will see how a
particular theme or perspective has a range of evidence relating to it.
You may be able to assess the strength and complexity of these ideas
too: one with a substantial supporting data will seem more persua-
sive than one with little to back it up.
Compare themes and perspectives: Now examine how these vari-
ous themes and perspectives relate to each other. Are themes com-
pletely separate, or are there links between them? Do different
perspectives show agreement or disagreement? Do they reflect different
interests, emphases or priorities? Again, this process is similar to the
process of agreement and contrast which you tackled in your literature
review, except that now you are applying it to your collected data.
Dig deep: Keep scrutinizing your analysed data. As well as links,
similarities and differences, look for contradictions, uncertainties,
tensions, dilemmas. Find complexity in ideas and how they relate to each other. This is often called 'interrogating your data', gaining as
much understanding as you can from the data you have collected
(my term is again 'digging deep*). The more thoroughly you do this,
the more valuable your research.

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