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When Hiram B.Otis , the American businessman , bought the house called Canterville Chase , people told him that he was doing a very dangerous thing .Lord Canterville himself told Mr Otis all about it .My wife's grandmother , the Duchess of Bolton , is one of them .And my wife never got any sleep there , because of all the noises at night .'

Original text

When Hiram B.Otis , the American businessman , bought the house called Canterville Chase , people told him that he was doing a very dangerous thing . Everybody knew that there was a ghost in the house . Lord Canterville himself told Mr Otis all about it .
' We don't like to live in the house ourselves ,' he said . ' Too many of my family have seen the ghost . My wife's grandmother , the Duchess of Bolton , is one of them . One night , while she was dressing for dinner two skeleton hands were put on her shoulders . She had been ill for years because of that . And my wife never got any sleep there , because of all the noises at night . '

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