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The casting is now ready for the actual placement of por.Ine opaque layer should be applied
as thinly as possible to still mask the metal.The prepared coping is painted with
thin coating of distlled water or special liquid (Fig
A small amount of the appropriate opaque powder is mixed
with distilled water or the specially formulated liqui
d. orm.colin
Opaque porcelain is applied first to mask the metal
to give the restoration its pasic shace, ana to midate
porcelain-metal bond.The coping is dried and fired under vacuum to the
The second application of opaque porcelain should mask
the metal rig 24-/.The coping is
gently vibrated to condense the porcelamn, and excess water
is removed with a dry tissue.The powder and laud are mixed to a
creamy consistency and applied to the coping with a brush
in a vibrauna motion.It is
intended to comp
lately wo:
the metal and penetrate the striations created by finishing.The second layer of opaque
porcelain is fired using the same firing cycle.The opaque
layer of porcelain should be approximately 0.3 mm a thin wash, which is applied with a class rod or brush
(Fig 24-26).No attempt should be made to thoroughly mask the metal
with this intal application.

Original text

The casting is now ready for the actual placement of por.
Opaque porcelain is applied first to mask the metal
to give the restoration its pasic shace, ana to midate
porcelain-metal bond. The prepared coping is painted with
thin coating of distlled water or special liquid (Fig
A small amount of the appropriate opaque powder is mixed
with distilled water or the specially formulated liqui
d. orm.
in a thin wash, which is applied with a class rod or brush
(Fig 24-26).
No attempt should be made to thoroughly mask the metal
with this intal application. It is
intended to comp
lately wo:
the metal and penetrate the striations created by finishing.
The coping is dried and fired under vacuum to the
The second application of opaque porcelain should mask
the metal rig 24-/. The powder and laud are mixed to a
creamy consistency and applied to the coping with a brush
in a vibrauna motion. Ine opaque layer should be applied
as thinly as possible to still mask the metal. The coping is
gently vibrated to condense the porcelamn, and excess water
is removed with a dry tissue. The second layer of opaque
porcelain is fired using the same firing cycle. The opaque
layer of porcelain should be approximately 0.3 mm thick.

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