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1- Background
Visible Light Communication (VLC) is an emerging technology that uses light to transmit data.However, the prospect of using lasers in a way that's adaptable to consumer electronics and regular environments is a growing field of interest.The utilization of lasers for communication isn't new; it's been in play for fiber optics and free-space optical communication.

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1- Background
Visible Light Communication (VLC) is an emerging technology that uses light to transmit data. The appeal of VLC lies in its use of the visible light spectrum, which is abundant and free from the radio frequency interference and regulation that plagues conventional wireless communications. Lasers provide a focused, directed light source that can be modulated at high speeds, making them suitable for transmitting data over distances ranging from a few meters to potentially several kilometers under clear conditions. The utilization of lasers for communication isn't new; it's been in play for fiber optics and free-space optical communication. However, the prospect of using lasers in a way that's adaptable to consumer electronics and regular environments is a growing field of interest.

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