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The data provides helpful insights into how Tabby is perceived and can improve based on their social media presence.Specific posts that positively influence are light-hearted content showcasing Tabby's benefits, especially for large purchases.Tabby could highlight these strengths in their social media messaging to win over competitors' audiences.Top suggestions were easing monthly payments and avoiding extra fees.Avoiding fees and simplifying installments could improve satisfaction.Overall, data shows Tabby's successful social media presence with some areas for optimizing reach and reducing customer pain points through limited changes.Those who feel positively like Tabby's ease of use, privacy, widespread presence, installment plans, and helping afford purchases.The open-ended data revealed Tabby's positives as more activity, better service, wider acceptance, and deals.This suggests Tabby is highly competitive in social media engagement versus alternatives.Tabby outshines competitors with wider reach and offerings.The open-ended responses indicate the negative ratings come from people who just don't use or know about the service.The minority who feel negatively appear unfamiliar with the service.Tabby could try promoting product awareness to new audiences.Some are unfamiliar with any influential 36

Comparative Engagement
46% rate Tabby's social media engagement as much better than competitors.Improvement Suggestions
The data showed mixed results on needed improvements.This sways purchase decisions.

Original text

The data provides helpful insights into how Tabby is perceived and can improve based on their social media presence.
Brand Perception
The brand perception data shows Tabby's social media presence elicits very positive feelings for most people. 61% gave the highest rating. This suggests Tabby is doing a good job cultivating their brand image on social media. Only about 17% feel somewhat negative or very negative. The open-ended responses indicate the negative ratings come from people who just don't use or know about the service. Those who feel positively like Tabby's ease of use, privacy, widespread presence, installment plans, and helping afford purchases.
This data confirms Tabby's social media presence succeeds in building a positive brand image. The minority who feel negatively appear unfamiliar with the service. Tabby could try promoting product awareness to new audiences.
Influence on Decision-Making
The data shows Tabby's social media presence strongly influences people's decisions to use their services. 45% say it has the maximum influence. Another 30% say it has moderate influence. Just 18% say it has little to no influence.
Specific posts that positively influence are light-hearted content showcasing Tabby's benefits, especially for large purchases. Some are unfamiliar with any influential posts.
Tabby can leverage this by expanding reach to those less familiar with their social media. They should also continue positive, benefit-focused content as that sways decisions.
pg. 36

Comparative Engagement
46% rate Tabby's social media engagement as much better than competitors. 22% say somewhat better. Just 18% think it is worse. The open-ended data revealed Tabby's positives as more activity, better service, wider acceptance, and deals. The only negative was less installment months compared to some competitors.
This suggests Tabby is highly competitive in social media engagement versus alternatives. Their bigger presence and superior service offerings make them stand out. Tabby could highlight these strengths in their social media messaging to win over competitors' audiences.
Improvement Suggestions
The data showed mixed results on needed improvements. 43% think Tabby needs major social media changes, while 19% say none are needed. Top suggestions were easing monthly payments and avoiding extra fees.
Tabby should weigh these changes to avoid overcorrecting if most are highly satisfied. But simplifying payments and fees could remove pain points that turn some people off.
Key Lessons
The main lessons are Tabby has built a positive brand through an engaging social media approach. This sways purchase decisions. Tabby outshines competitors with wider reach and offerings. Yet they can expand reach to unfamiliar audiences. Avoiding fees and simplifying installments could improve satisfaction. Overall, data shows Tabby's successful social media presence with some areas for optimizing reach and reducing customer pain points through limited changes.

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