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Socializing online and in person.A lot of people would start asking questions about the importance of socializing , why it matters and why we bother studying and making efforts to find out more about this topic.I would simply answer this question by saying that is important in our lives due to the fact that it makes us confident, it gives us the chance to meet new people and be more outgoing.

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Socializing online and in person.

A lot of people would start asking questions about the importance of socializing , why it matters and why we bother studying and making efforts to find out more about this topic. 

I would simply answer this question by saying that is important in our lives due to the fact that it makes us confident, it gives us the chance to meet new people and be more outgoing. I also think that it's a natural "Antidepressants" that gets us out of the usual routine and make us happier.
With the importance of socializing, we divided up into 2 sections in the pervious lesson : socializing in person and socializing online.
Socilizing in person gives you the chance to meet your friends in public places and engage in outdoor activities such as : going to theme parks, attending various events, eating in restaurants, going to concerts and going to the movies.
And while socializing online does not allow you to do that, it's a much easier way than than the other that I previously mentioned.
You don't have to spend a lot of money on outdoors activities or transportation,
You can easily browse the internet and use various types of social media applications and socializing and engaging in conversations with other people.
Lastly l personally prefer to

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