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Emergency diseases are any medical problem that could cause death or permanent injury if not treated quickly.
Emergency care:
It is the immediate care used for those patients who require immediate action to prevent further deteriorations or stabilizing the condition till the
2021/2022availability of the services provided2021/2022 to the patients.

Common conditions treated in the Emergency Department:-
 Severe bleeding that doesn't stop after 15 minutes of direct pressure
 Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing
 Broken or displaced bones
 Swallowing poison
 Choking
 Cardiac Chest pain
30107111602356 Severe abdominal pain 30107111602356 30107111602356
The qualities of a Successful Emergency Nurse
• Having a thirst for knowledge
• Emergency nurses must be able to remain calm in high-stress and high-pressure situations.
Staying flexible in tricky situations is essential. She must be able to deal with situations that have no warning and be able to roll with whatever happens.
Standard of Emergency Nursing Care
 Establish a patent airway and provide adequate ventilation
Control hemorrhage, prevent and manage shock and restore effective circulation.
 Evaluate the neurological status of the patient
 Carry out a rapid initial and ongoing physical assessment
 Protect and clean wounds

Original text

Emergency diseases are any medical problem that could cause death or permanent injury if not treated quickly.

Emergency care:
It is the immediate care used for those patients who require immediate action to prevent further deteriorations or stabilizing the condition till the
2021/2022availability of the services provided2021/2022 to the patients. 2021/2022

Common conditions treated in the Emergency Department:-

 Severe bleeding that doesn't stop after 15 minutes of direct pressure
 Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing
 Broken or displaced bones
 Swallowing poison
 Choking
 Cardiac Chest pain

30107111602356 Severe abdominal pain 30107111602356 30107111602356
The qualities of a Successful Emergency Nurse
• Having a thirst for knowledge

• Emergency nurses must be able to remain calm in high-stress and high-pressure situations.
 Staying flexible in tricky situations is essential. She must be able to deal with situations that have no warning and be able to roll with whatever happens.
Standard of Emergency Nursing Care

 Establish a patent airway and provide adequate ventilation
 Control hemorrhage, prevent and manage shock and restore effective circulation.

 Evaluate the neurological status of the patient

 Carry out a rapid initial and ongoing physical assessment

 Protect and clean wounds

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