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US Army soldiers wear a uniform for everyday work.First, they moved the bottom pockets to the shoulder sleeves to make the them easier to reach.In the year 2004, the Army made some important changes to it and gave soldiers a new combat uniform.They also changed some of the things on the uniform.

Original text

US Army soldiers wear a uniform for everyday work. In the year 2004, the Army made some important changes to it and gave soldiers a new combat uniform. To make the new uniform, they chose a material that is easier to wash, dry, and keep looking nice. They also changed some of the things on the uniform. First, they moved the bottom pockets to the shoulder sleeves to make the them easier to reach. Then, they used zippers instead of buttons because zippers are easier to open with one hand. These three changes and some others, too, have served to lower the price of the uniform, make it better to wear, and easier to use. Soldiers know that a good uniform that fits right, feels good, and looks professional will help them do their jobs well.

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