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To The Moon is a poem that Shelley has addressed to the moon.The ancient Greeks personified the moon according to the story, fell in love with a mortal, Endymion In the poem, To the Moon, by PB. Shelley, the poet says that the moon is pale.The moon shining in the sky has always been a mystery to human beings who have been speculating upon her nature.Just as a man's eves may be restless because he cannot find a beloved she cannot find anybody worthy of her devotion and love.Although with man's landing on the moon investigations into the history and nature of the moon have already yielded valuable results.Perhaps the moon is pale because of fatigue.Why?

Original text

To The Moon is a poem that Shelley has addressed to the moon. The moon shining in the sky has always been a mystery to human beings who have been speculating upon her nature. Although with man's landing on the moon investigations into the history and nature of the moon have already yielded valuable results. The ancient Greeks personified the moon according to the story, fell in love with a mortal, Endymion In the poem, To the Moon, by PB. Shelley, the poet says that the moon is pale. Why? Perhaps the moon is pale because of fatigue. She has to climb up the sky every night and she has to remain awake all night and to gaze all the time at the earth. All this exertion is too much for her. Again, the moon has to travel all along among the stars with which she has nothing in common. The origin and nature of the stars are quite different from those of the moon and, therefore the moon feels lonely and solitary among them. The moon is constantly changing in shape and size. The moon is never the same even on two consecutive nights. a goddess who, This change is due to the fact that the moon cannot find anyone who she can love faithfully. Just as a man's eves may be restless because he cannot find a beloved she cannot find anybody worthy of her devotion and love. The change of the moon is thus due to her restlessness

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