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Subject of Lesson 1:
To know
1.Knowledge about structural features of interphase and metaphase human's
chromosomes is necessary for understanding the patterns of heredity and variability,
for cytogenetic diagnostics of chromosome diseases. Levels of DNA packing (nucleosome, 30-nm fiber and 300-nm loops, interphase
and metaphase chromosomes).Besides, knowledge about
karyotype, human idiogram and sex chromatin is necessary by study the pathogenesis
and diagnostics of inherited diseases.There are: mitochondria, rough and
smooth endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus, centrioles, ribosomes.Structural and functional features of nuclear and extranuclear inherited material of
human cells.Description of metaphase chromosomes.Karyotypic analysis.

Original text

Subject of Lesson 1:
To know

  1. Structural and functional features of nuclear and extranuclear inherited material of
    human cells.

  2. Levels of DNA packing (nucleosome, 30-nm fiber and 300-nm loops, interphase
    and metaphase chromosomes).

  3. Description of metaphase chromosomes. Karyotypic analysis.
    The substantiation of subject.
    Knowledge about structural features of interphase and metaphase human’s
    chromosomes is necessary for understanding the patterns of heredity and variability,
    for cytogenetic diagnostics of chromosome diseases. Besides, knowledge about
    karyotype, human idiogram and sex chromatin is necessary by study the pathogenesis
    and diagnostics of inherited diseases.
    Task 1. Structure of eukaryotic cell. (we`ll discuss it during ZOOM)
    Eukaryotic cell includes a lot of organoids. There are: mitochondria, rough and
    smooth endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus, centrioles, ribosomes. In
    plant cell we can observe also plastids, including chloroplasts.
    The cell nucleus is a remarkable organelle (Fig.1.).
    It functions to:

  4. Store genes on chromosomes.

  5. Organize genes into chromosomes to allow cell division.

  6. Transport regulatory factors and gene products via nuclear pores.

  7. Produce mRNA that code for proteins

  8. Produce ribosomes in the nucleolus.

  9. Organize the uncoiling of DNA to replicate key genes.
    Study the main structures of nucleus (Table 1.) and most important their

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