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From the experiment, we learned how to use a Wheatstone bridge to find the value of an unknown resistor and why this method is better than using Ohm's law.The ideal resistor of the ammeter has a very small value, close to zero.Similarly, we plotted a graph relating the division (d) on the scale to the corresponding measured value of potential difference (Vcom).Multiplying the division by the slope allowed us to determine the home voltmeter reading (Vhm) and assess the error between Vhm and the measured value.We then plotted a graph correlating the division (d) on the scale with the corresponding reading on a commercial ammeter.The slope of the graph, denoted as KA, was determined to be 0.045..
From the experiment, we learned how to use a Wheatstone bridge to find the value of an unknown resistor and why this method is better than using Ohm's law. You discovered that the relationship between Rs and L2/L1 is a straight line graph and this relationship is useful for defining the balance state (Rx = Rs * L1*L2). This error may have been due to inaccurate readings (personal error).
In the first part of the experiment, we converted the galvanometer into an ammeter by connecting it in series with a wire. The ideal resistor of the ammeter has a very small value, close to zero. We then plotted a graph correlating the division (d) on the scale with the corresponding reading on a commercial ammeter. The slope of the graph, denoted as KA, was determined to be 0.045. By multiplying the division by the slope, we calculated the home ammeter reading (Ihm) and compared it to the reading on the commercial ammeter to assess the error.
In the second part of the experiment, we converted the galvanometer into a voltmeter by connecting it in parallel with a large resistor to measure potential difference. Similarly, we plotted a graph relating the division (d) on the scale to the corresponding measured value of potential difference (Vcom). The slope of this graph, denoted as KV, was found to be 0.3173. Multiplying the division by the slope allowed us to determine the home voltmeter reading (Vhm) and assess the error between Vhm and the measured value.
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