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the problem with hydrogen is that is very power consuming to create.the second company is necola that made an attempt to make the technology to heavy wight vehicles , which still didn't find a solution to the energy required to make hydrogen.You sent
the creation of hydrogen for now is limited to small industrial solution.which make it very expressive .and not viable to commercial use , especially whe there is a cheaper option even if it's not that effective.

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the problem with hydrogen is that is very power consuming to create. the obvious solution is the find a way to make it using less energy. or using free energy like rentable energy. if we can make hydrogen cheaper that will kill the battery powered vehicle.
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the creation of hydrogen for now is limited to small industrial solution. which make it very expressive .and not viable to commercial use , especially whe there is a cheaper option even if it's not that effective. finding a way to make hydrogen a cheaper option will be the solution to all the shortcomings of using it in the automotive industry.
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some companies tried using hydrogen as a way to power electric cars .the main one is Toyota , it's the biggest company to develop this technology and making an effort to take it forward. the second company is necola that made an attempt to make the technology to heavy wight vehicles , which still didn't find a solution to the energy required to make hydrogen.

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