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Managers play a critical role in success of an organization's operations.By utilizing technologies such as OLAP and DATA warehousing, BI solutions can make managing these massive amounts of data simple.Customers, suppliers, invoices, purchase orders, pay stubs, employee information, sales data, financial data, training data, product data, client data, and so on can all be linked to data.Managerial decisions will be improved as a result of BI implementation.A faulty decision made by un uniformed source will have severe consequences.The BI systems will, in fact, provide all employees with sufficient information and enable them to make decisions.Managing such massive amounts of ever-increasing data becomes difficult.

Original text

Managers play a critical role in success of an organization’s operations. Managers must make decisions that that have a direct impact on the organization. A faulty decision made by un uniformed source will have severe consequences. Individual decision are made all the way up to corporate decisions.
Managerial decisions will be improved as a result of BI implementation. The BI systems will, in fact, provide all employees with sufficient information and enable them to make decisions.
There is a lot of data in a company. Customers, suppliers, invoices, purchase orders, pay stubs, employee information, sales data, financial data, training data, product data, client data, and so on can all be linked to data. Managing such massive amounts of ever-increasing data becomes difficult. By utilizing technologies such as OLAP and DATA warehousing, BI solutions can make managing these massive amounts of data simple.

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