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The job of an idol

Although lam Jood at singing and everybody expects me to become adocter, I would like to

beadoodidel singer and dancer,

This job requires that you have a good Voice,

flexibility in dancing and dood knowledge of musical korean groubs, they go through atraining Period and after that they join al Pop company,

Such as Hype company.

Original text

The job of an idol

Although lam Jood at singing and everybody expects me to become adocter, I would like to

beadoodidel singer and dancer,

This job requires that you have a good Voice,

flexibility in dancing and dood knowledge of musical instruments. This Jobis only available in korea. like korean groubs, they go through atraining Period and after that they join al Pop company,

Such as Hype company. Newiin's group

Performs concerts around the World. These are the skills or qualities that I possess.

I can dance alittle and Ilove dancingand the ability to travel around the world and deat

With pressure. Honestly, I don't want it that much, but I'm interested in people who beauitful and write good sonds.

do because they're very handsome and

beauitful and write good sonds.

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