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8-Find ways to make the changes stick.At Del-Air, a Florida heating, ventilation, and air conditioning contractor, managers linked a new GPS-enabled time- tracking system with the company's bonus system.At this stage, leaders look for ways to institutionalize the new approach, striving to integrate the new values and pat- terns into everyone's work habits.

Original text

8-Find ways to make the changes stick. At this stage, leaders look for ways to institutionalize the new approach, striving to integrate the new values and pat- terns into everyone's work habits. At Del-Air, a Florida heating, ventilation, and air conditioning contractor, managers linked a new GPS-enabled time- tracking system with the company's bonus system. Employees who are more efficient with their time get rewarded for it. By integrating the change with the incentive system, managers made the new time-tracking system an accepted, integral part of everyone's daily work.

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