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Antimicrobial resistance has become a risk worldwide with bacteria that pose the greatest threat to
human health.

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Antimicrobial resistance has become a risk worldwide with bacteria that pose the greatest threat to
human health. Antibiotics are regarded as one of the most significant medical advances of the 20th century.1 Prior to the development and discovery of antibiotics, mortality rates from Streptococcus pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus were 40% and 80%, respectively.1 Before the invention of antibiotics, wound infections were also treated with amputations.1 The previous century saw the discovery of penicillin, which led to tremendous progress in both contemporary medicine and the treatment of often occurring infectious diseases one of the leading causes of death in the days before antibiotics.2 A number of life-saving procedures, including major operations and cancer treatment, depend on the effectiveness of antimicrobials.2

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