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There is a memory that always makes me smile with contentment and admiration, and that is the memory of my maternal grandparents.There were fine, elegant chairs with brocade upholstery on the seats and beautiful tables, not to mention some exquisite mirrors.Once, when she had gotten into her cleanliness frenzy, she called someone in and got rid of genuine antique furniture that grandfather had painstakingly collected over a number of years and arranged in this perfect replica of a drawing room.He never raised his voice, never lost his temper, and had a special ability to always rationalize things ever so smoothly that the worst calamity seemed like a slight twitch.My grandfather was a dedicated lawyer whose moral fiber prevented him from taking advantage of circumstances to make a profit!He was highly respected in courts and had the reputation of being the most honest law specialist.He was genuinely interested in people, history, law, and philosophy and was always reading when he was at home.He was the calmest, most serene person I have ever met.

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There is a memory that always makes me smile with contentment and admiration, and that is the memory of my maternal grandparents.

My grandfather was a dedicated lawyer whose moral fiber prevented him from taking advantage of circumstances to make a profit! He was highly respected in courts and had the reputation of being the most honest law specialist. He was genuinely interested in people, history, law, and philosophy and was always reading when he was at home. He was the calmest, most serene person I have ever met. He never raised his voice, never lost his temper, and had a special ability to always rationalize things ever so smoothly that the worst calamity seemed like a slight twitch. Nothing could make him lose his sense and aura of peace.

Grandmother, on the other hand, was the exact opposite. She used to get all worked up about things and flustered over minor irregularities. She had to

have everything planned just so and still worried about things that could go wrong. She wanted everything to be perfect, sometimes to an extreme. Once, when she had gotten into her cleanliness frenzy, she called someone in and got rid of genuine antique furniture that grandfather had painstakingly collected over a number of years and arranged in this perfect replica of a drawing room. There were fine, elegant chairs with brocade upholstery on the seats and beautiful tables, not to mention some exquisite mirrors. Grandmother had gotten it into her head that it was all useless because it collected too much dust and decided to sell it off to the first bidder for next to nothing.

When grandfather came home, he opened the door to the little drawing room to admire his creation and found an empty shell. He asked grandmother where everything was, and she very naturally informed him that she'd gotten rid of it because it was a dust magnet. All he did was chuckle, and then sat down at the table to have his lunch!

This incident pretty much rounds up the amazing symbiosis between these two wonderful people. In spite of their different characteristics, they obviously complemented each other in a way that only they could fully appreciate!

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