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The other approach is to manage the demand side of resources coming from human activities. This involves things such as:

Energy consumption: incentivizing the migration towards renewable sources and improving efficiency.

Waste management: moving away from a linear model (where the materials end up in a landfill) and promoting a circular path, where recycling is used as much as possible to harness its benefits.
Food: promoting more healthy and sustainable diets, such as the Mediterranean or Japanese diets, that make less use of animal products.
Freshwater: efficiency is improved by upgrading infrastructure and using new green technologies, especially in agriculture. Managing also the demand side, by educating the public on the use of this precious and limited resource.
Reducing CO2 emissions: by making extensive use of renewable sources, improving efficiency, and upgrading to new technologies.
Population: statistics demonstrate that most of the world’s population growth is coming from the poorest areas of the planet. While the population of the richest nations remains mostly stagnant or in slight decline. Promoting equality and better living conditions for the poor is not only ethical, but it can also contribute to reducing the global growth of the population.
Cities: proper planning of the urban spaces and infrastructure can help to achieve more sustainable lifestyles

Original text

The other approach is to manage the demand side of resources coming from human activities. This involves things such as:

Energy consumption: incentivizing the migration towards renewable sources and improving efficiency.
Waste management: moving away from a linear model (where the materials end up in a landfill) and promoting a circular path, where recycling is used as much as possible to harness its benefits.
Food: promoting more healthy and sustainable diets, such as the Mediterranean or Japanese diets, that make less use of animal products.
Freshwater: efficiency is improved by upgrading infrastructure and using new green technologies, especially in agriculture. Managing also the demand side, by educating the public on the use of this precious and limited resource.
Reducing CO2 emissions: by making extensive use of renewable sources, improving efficiency, and upgrading to new technologies.
Population: statistics demonstrate that most of the world’s population growth is coming from the poorest areas of the planet. While the population of the richest nations remains mostly stagnant or in slight decline. Promoting equality and better living conditions for the poor is not only ethical, but it can also contribute to reducing the global growth of the population.
Cities: proper planning of the urban spaces and infrastructure can help to achieve more sustainable lifestyles

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