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‏It was the weekend and as usual Maha and her brothers Hamed and Talal were visiting their grandma.'We saw silver and gold khanjars, swords, jewellery and some traditional Omani clothes.1 think teachers will be replaced by robots.'Oh, Talal,' laughed Maha, 'Don't be silly!Their grandma lived in a large old house near a Sometimes at the weekend, the children liked going to the wadi for a walk.'Did you enjoy visiting the museum yesterday, Maha?'asked Talal.said Maha.They were so colourful.The three children left the road and took the path across the wadi.Hamed saw a kitten in the wadi in front of them.screamed Maha.?'Let's shout,' said Maha.?Maha felt cold but gradually she fell asleep.They were wearing Omani clothes like those at the museum but they were a little more modern and stylish.Over the stage was a banner which read 'London Fashion Week - Oman is number 1!''Come on,' said Hamed, 'let's find it.'They left the path and began looking for the kitten.'There it is,' said Hamed.The three children ran across a large piece of black plastic towards the kitten.Suddenly, Maha woke up. There was a large ant crawling her dream.Maha remembered businesswoman?Behind him there was a large herd of tahr.Hamed was about to tell them not to use a camera flash because it would frighten the animals.Hamed rubbed his eyes and remembered his dream.Maha looked around.In front of him there were lots of foreigners.Wow!'Amazing!'Talal was flying from Muscat to Salalah on business.Then, after yawning and stretching, Talal went back to sleep.Will so many visitors want to see our wildlife in Oman??Hamed looked at Talal, who was also dreaming.In Talal's dream, he was flying over the mountains of Oman.He wasn't in a plane ... he was flying in a Hopper.The Hopper was Talal's own invention It could travel on land, on the sea and in the air.Will I invent the Hopper?''Your grandma telephoned us when you didn't come home yesterday.Maha and her brothers went quietly with their father.'All those people were tourists.In his dream, he landed on a rooftop with a bump!'Hey kids!

Original text

‏It was the weekend and as usual Maha and her brothers Hamed and Talal were visiting their grandma.'We saw silver and gold khanjars, swords, jewellery and some traditional Omani clothes.1 think teachers will be replaced by robots.'Oh, Talal,' laughed Maha, 'Don't be silly!Their grandma lived in a large old house near a Sometimes at the weekend, the children liked going to the wadi for a walk.'Did you enjoy visiting the museum yesterday, Maha?'asked Talal.said Maha.They were so colourful.The three children left the road and took the path across the wadi.Hamed saw a kitten in the wadi in front of them.screamed Maha.?'Let's shout,' said Maha.?Maha felt cold but gradually she fell asleep.They were wearing Omani clothes like those at the museum but they were a little more modern and stylish.Over the stage was a banner which read 'London Fashion Week - Oman is number 1!''Come on,' said Hamed, 'let's find it.'They left the path and began looking for the kitten.'There it is,' said Hamed.The three children ran across a large piece of black plastic towards the kitten.Suddenly, Maha woke up. There was a large ant crawling her dream.Maha remembered businesswoman?Behind him there was a large herd of tahr.Hamed was about to tell them not to use a camera flash because it would frighten the animals.Hamed rubbed his eyes and remembered his dream.Maha looked around.In front of him there were lots of foreigners.Wow!'Amazing!'Talal was flying from Muscat to Salalah on business.Then, after yawning and stretching, Talal went back to sleep.Will so many visitors want to see our wildlife in Oman??Hamed looked at Talal, who was also dreaming.In Talal's dream, he was flying over the mountains of Oman.He wasn't in a plane ... he was flying in a Hopper.The Hopper was Talal's own invention It could travel on land, on the sea and in the air.Will I invent the Hopper?''Your grandma telephoned us when you didn't come home yesterday.Maha and her brothers went quietly with their father.'All those people were tourists.In his dream, he landed on a rooftop with a bump!'Hey kids!

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