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CPR involves a combination of
chest compressions and rescue breaths to restore blood circulation and oxygen supply to vital organs Fowler et al.,
2017).These findings can be utilized for further studies and research in order to find different factors affecting students' knowledge and attitudes toward performing effective CPR, never the less significant to be in a well-prepared community in such emergencies.Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal - Wallis one -way analysis of variance test to detect Association between participants characteristic and respondent's score

Original text

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a life-saving emergency procedure used to revive someone who is experiencing cardiac arrest, a condition where the heart suddenly stops functioning.Descriptive analysis includes description of participant demographic, level of knowledge and Skills frequencies, means and percentages.The Basic Life Support (BLS) training from the American Heart Association (AHA) teaches trainees how to recognize various lIfe-threatening events quickly, provide ettective chest compressions, administer suitable ventilations, and initiate the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) right away.Significance Of The Study:
ThIs study compared the knowledge and attitudes ot the medical and nursing students who take the BLS course for

the first time, reflecting the efficacy of the BLS course material and method of learning, thus enhancing the rest of the students as well as the community's attitude toward learning effective CPR.This includes medical students,
who are individuals enrolled in programs focused on medicine at An Najah National University - Faculty of

Medicine and Health Sciences, and nursing students, who are individuals pursuing education in nursing within
the same academic framework.Study design:
A quantitative cross-sectional study A research method that involves collecting data from a population at a single
point in time
Site and Setting:
The study conducted at AL- Najah National University in Nablus Faculty of Medicine and Health sciences.Sampling was stratified convenience sampling : medical and nurse's student was dividing into 4 subgroups and
take a simple random sample
Total sample size was 323 participants calculated by G-power with confidence interval 95%

Period of the Study:
The study was conducted from October to December, 2023. CPR involves a combination of
chest compressions and rescue breaths to restore blood circulation and oxygen supply to vital organs Fowler et al.,
2017).These findings can be utilized for further studies and research in order to find different factors affecting students' knowledge and attitudes toward performing effective CPR, never the less significant to be in a well-prepared community in such emergencies.Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal - Wallis one -way analysis of variance test to detect Association between participants characteristic and respondent's score

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