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Reading is considered one of the most important activities that contribute to an individual's development and expanding his mental and cultural horizons.It enhances language and writing, broadens mental and cultural horizons, and increases general knowledge and information.Secondly, reading expands one's mental and cultural horizons.By reading various types of books, magazines and articles, a person learns a variety of vocabulary, expressions and linguistic styles.By reading a variety of topics and ideas, a person learns about different cultures and opinions, which helps him understand the world better and enhances his ability to think critically.

Original text

Reading is considered one of the most important activities that contribute to an individual’s development and expanding his mental and cultural horizons. Reading plays a crucial role in the development of language, writing, and general understanding of the world around us.
First and foremost, reading contributes to enhancing an individual's language and writing skills. By reading various types of books, magazines and articles, a person learns a variety of vocabulary, expressions and linguistic styles. This, in turn, contributes to improving his ability to express himself better and more accurately.
Secondly, reading expands one's mental and cultural horizons. By reading a variety of topics and ideas, a person learns about different cultures and opinions, which helps him understand the world better and enhances his ability to think critically.
Third, reading expands an individual's general knowledge and information. By reading scientific, historical and cultural books, a person learns a lot about society, science, arts and technology. This helps him become a more informed and educated individual.
In short, reading is of great importance in an individual's life. It enhances language and writing, broadens mental and cultural horizons, and increases general knowledge and information. So, we should encourage all people to read regularly and benefit from its many benefits

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