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Graded bedding is most abundant in continental slope and deep-sea sediments deposited by a special variety of bot- tom current called a turbidity current (see Chapter 17).A graded bed comprises one set of coarse-to-fine beds, normally ranging from a few centimeters to several meters thick, that formed horizontal or nearly horizontal layers at the time of deposition.

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Graded bedding is most abundant in continental slope and deep-sea sediments deposited by a special variety of bot- tom current called a turbidity current (see Chapter 17). Each layer in a graded bed progresses from coarse grains at the base to fine grains at the top. The grading indicates a waning of the current that deposited the grains. A graded bed comprises one set of coarse-to-fine beds, normally ranging from a few centimeters to several meters thick, that formed horizontal or nearly horizontal layers at the time of deposition. Accumulations of many individual graded beds can reach a total thickness of hundreds of meters. A bed formed as a result of deposition from a turbidity current is called a turbidite.

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